Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My complaining hurts

Ironically, the purpose of this post is to complain about complaining.

In fact it is monumentally hypocritical of me - who set up a blog for the sole purpose of complaining, but oh well deal with it. It's my blog i can do whatever I want. Stop reading if you have a problem. JEEZ.

SO, I thought I was a fairly accomplished complainer. But let me tell you there are people of the elderly persuasion out there who put me to absolute shame. Last week one woman called up at 10pm to complain about some female newsreader who was reading a story about the death of a young boy. The young boy's name was Miles and apparently said newsreader at one point in the story was foolish enough to say "Miles'S family" rather than "Miles' family"!!!


Well let me tell you, this caller was actually irate. She kept saying things like "honestly I can't see why we can't even get grammar right. What is the world coming to" and "there was absolutely no need for that extra s" as if the extra s actually cost her something. Sorry to waste your precious time be including an extra single letter.

Not only that, but we have a male news reader from 6.00pm onwards so this must have been at least FIVE HOURS earlier. She's been sitting at home stewing about this for FIVE HOURS before she couldn't take it anymore and felt the need to unleash her grammar related indignation on my innocent self.

Well OLD LADY - here's a news flash. Apostrophe 's' after a name is completely acceptable so shut the hell up. And even if it wasn't, don't go getting shitty at me for another person's mistake. And holy shit, a kid died and all you took away from that story was a perceived (incorrectly mind you) grammatical error.

You are a sad sad human.

Stay tuned for my theory that Old Personness is a life style choice, not a fact of life.

1 comment:

  1. Language is defined by use and abuse. Nevermind, old lady will be dead sooner than us. Well, sooner than you, at least.
