Monday, October 5, 2009

My dinner with a friend hurts

Titles are getting harder...swiftly moving into the relm of the nonsensical.

Had dinner with a friend tonight in the Valley. Struggled with arsenic coated throat and each bite of my veggie burger was pure agony. Good company though except it's weird with this friend because although she's one of my oldest friends and I love her to bits and see her every few weeks (and have done for 5 years), our relationship is pretty shallow.

You know when you were 6 and friendships were based on the fact that you and Kristen McGrath from the house across the road both liked raspberry licourice and Sailor Moon?
That's what this is like.

She also really liked (500) Days of Summer.

But she had a really cool ring.
So maybe it all comes out in the wash.

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